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3, 2, 1 iRelaunch Podcast

Normalizing career breaks®

...for relaunchers everywhere

Featured as a "Top Career Podcast" since its inception in 2017, 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch is our podcast focused on getting you Back on the Career Track and making your return to work smooth and successful. We feature strategies, advice and success stories about returning to work after a career break. Our full episode listing is below. It is regularly updated with new episodes. 

If you're not sure where to dive in, get your feet wet with one of our mini-series: Managing Through a Prolonged Job SearchRelaunching in Senior RolesMilitary Spouse Relaunches and Longest Career Break Relaunches. The entire mini-series library is here.

Do you enjoy our podcast and want to make sure other relaunchers can find our return to work advice? Be sure to rate, follow and leave a review of our podcast using our handy guide so we can reach even more relaunchers!

How to Rate and Review the 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch Podcast

Episode 44: To Achieve Success, Be "Gutsy" with Kate White

Best-selling author, international speaker, and former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine, Kate White knows what women can do to get ahead and achieve their goals. In this episode, Carol talks with Kate about her latest book, The Gutsy Girl Handbook: Your Manifesto for Success, Kate’s inspirational guide to career success. Touching…

Episode 41: A Deeper Dive into Interviews - Answering the Toughest Questions with Mary Beth Barrett Newman

The interview process has become more and more complex over time. Are you ready to answer even the toughest questions with confidence? In this podcast Carol speaks with Mary Beth Barrett-Newman, the founder and President of 2nd Career Consulting, a moderator on the iRelaunch Return to Work Forum private Facebook…

Episode 40: After a Career Break - "Secrets to Re-entering the Workforce" with Lesley Jane Seymour

Lesley Jane Seymour, former More magazine Editor In Chief and creator of, interviews Carol Fishman Cohen on the secrets to re-entering the workforce. Lesley and Carol discuss the growing number of reentry internship programs and employers’ recognition of the high-caliber value of relaunchers. Carol offers the “two most important…

Episode 38: "Optimizing LinkedIn Profiles, Networking, and Learning" with Oliver Schinkten

Join Carol and Oliver Schinkten, LinkedIn Staff Author, Business, Education & eLearning for this informative episode detailing how relaunchers can best use all that LinkedIn offers. Whether it’s learning how to portray yourself in your Profile, using LinkedIn Learning resources to build your confidence and skills, expanding your networking opportunities,…

Episode 33: Powerful Language and Its Effect When You’re Relaunching with Julie Holunga

How can relaunchers ensure they are making the best impression while networking, at a professional conference, and even in an interview? Today’s guest, Julie Holunga, executive coach and founder of Chinook Executive Solutions, asserts that relaunchers should be deliberate about the words they use – presenting themselves with confidence and…

Episode 32: Special Episode with Oliver Schinkten: "Using LinkedIn to Upgrade Your Profile and Your Skills" with Oliver Schinkten

In this special episode, Carol speaks with LinkedIn Instructor Oliver Schinkten. Author of more than 35 LinkedIn courses, Oliver remarks on how relaunchers can most effectively use the LinkedIn “Summary” section, suggestions for using the “Headline” strategically, and listing volunteer work. Oliver will be a speaker at the upcoming iRelaunch…

Episode 31: Divorce and Relaunching Your Career with Liza Caldwell

In this empowering episode, Carol talks to Liza Caldwell, co-founder and director of SAS for Women, an organization that provides divorce support and coaching for women who are considering, in the process of, or recovering from divorce. “Divorced and happily single” herself, Liza is trained in transformational coaching and is…

Episode 23: Understanding Your Rights: Interviewing and Working as a Relauncher with Tammy Marzigliano

Learn how to be more effective and powerful in your next interview as Tammy Marzigliano, a partner at Outten & Golden LLP in New York, discusses the legal aspects of relaunching with Carol Fishman Cohen. Hear how to determine the difference between what's considered illegal conduct and what is just…