"3, 2, 1 iRelaunch" Military Spouse Mini Series
Brought to you by the 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch Podcast!
Relaunching in Civil Engineering as a Military Spouse, with Krystal Shorts
Episode 187
Krystal Shorts is a civil engineer and a military spouse working on her master’s degree in civil engineering at the University of Kansas. Currently stationed in Kansas with her husband, a Navy Officer, she is relaunching her career after a 4 ½-year career break because of childcare decisions and military moves. Krystal is working in an internship with Apex Engineers that almost didn't happen when the COVID lockdown occurred and work went remote. We are going to learn exactly what Krystal said to keep the internship opportunity, how she is relaunching her technical career while moving locations every few years, and the creative way she used LinkedIn to expand her professional network and learn about her industry.
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How Volunteer Work Enabled a Military Spouse's Return to Work, with Karen Golden
Episode 165
Military spouse Karen Golden walks us through her career path in detail as she moved her family 12 times. She is currently living in her 17th house! Karen discusses her failed attempt to get licensed as a social worker, and how she pivoted to relaunch as Deputy Director, Government relations, for the Military Officers Association of America. In this role, Karen covered military family issues in an advocacy and training role for military spouses, after years of volunteering in similar roles. Hear about her surprise phone call that she calls the most important call of her professional life, in the Walmart parking lot of a famous city around minute 18. Karen tells us how her advocacy and training skills and passion for the cause led her to her current role at the Alzheimer's Association.
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Military Spouses, Relaunching and What's Different in Covid/2020, with Sue Hoppin
Episode 162
Military spouse Sue Hoppin is a nationally recognized expert on military spouse and family issues. Sue tells us about her own relaunch at the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) 15 years ago in an admin role that led to her becoming MOAA's first deputy director for spouse outreach. While moving every few years nationally and internationally while her husband was an active duty service member, Sue discusses her "strategic volunteering," and the role it has played in her relaunch and beyond. Sue is the co-author of “A Family’s Guide to the Military” for the popular Dummies series and the founder of the National Military Spouse Network (NMSN), a membership organization supporting the professional goals of military spouses. Sue comments on how the Covid threat has popularized virtual work environments and portable jobs, both of which favor the military spouse.
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How I Have Maintained Career Continuity as a Military Spouse wth April Keating
Episode 88
In this episode of 3, 2, 1, iRelaunch Carol talks with our own April Keating, Communications Specialist at iRelaunch and founder of email marketing firm Cre8ve Content Company. As a military spouse, April and her family move frequently. April explains how she has managed her family through multiple moves, and how she has maintained career continuity with a virtual, flexible and growing business.
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