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Jeni Abramson's Relaunch Success Story

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Relauncher Success Story

Jeni Abramson returned to work in 2014 after a career break of nearly 5 years. Prior to having children, Jeni worked in broadcast and online media at Time Warner and Thomson Reuters where she developed an interest in financial services and regulatory compliance. She took advantage of her career break to pursue a Master’s Degree in Investor Relations and volunteered in microfinance. Fascinated by the colossal regulatory fines imposed on banks for money-laundering and sanctions violations, Jeni decided to focus her relaunch on a career in regulatory compliance. She pursued the Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) designation and utilized iRelaunch resources to tailor her resumé for the field and prepare for the interview process.

Jeni Abramson returned to work in 2014 after a career break of nearly 5 years. Prior to having children, Jeni worked in broadcast and online media at Time Warner and Thomson Reuters. While leading Northwest sales for, Jeni developed an interest in financial services and regulatory compliance. She took advantage of her career break to pursue a Master’s Degree in Investor Relations, taking a year off from studies to have a second child, and volunteered in microfinance. Jeni served as a pro-bono media advisor to and volunteered at Trickle Up, a global economic development NGO, where she analyzed household economic indicators and met with women in ultra-poor communities in West Africa.

Fascinated by the colossal regulatory fines imposed on banks for money-laundering and sanctions violations, Jeni decided to focus her relaunch on a career in regulatory compliance. In order to establish herself as a serious candidate, she pursued the Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) designation and utilized iRelaunch resources to tailor her resumée for the field and prepare for the interview process. The strategy paid off and Jeni had multiple interviews and job offers within weeks of attending iRelaunch.

Today Jeni lives with her husband and two children in New York City and works for Arachnys, a leading Risk & Compliance technology firm. As a Solutions Consultant, Jeni works with Arachnys customers on developing robust financial crime prevention and regulatory compliance processes. Her clients include many of the world’s largest banks, multinational corporations and leading consulting firms.

iRelaunch Note: Jeni Abramson attended the 2014 iRelaunch Return-to-Work Conference and was a speaker at the 2016 iRelaunch Return-to-Work Conference on the Relaunching in Healthcare, Tech, Marketing, Anti-Money Laundering Panel.

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