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Team Spotlight: Sandhiya Kalyanasundaram

Hello, I’m Sandhiya Kalyanasundaram!

Hello, I’m Sandhiya Kalyanasundaram, Market Research and Project Manager at iRelaunch and I started working for iRelaunch in June of 2021 for a short-term project assignment.

I took a four-year complete career break to care for my children. During my career break, I started volunteering for community farming and urban restoration efforts and found these activities meaningful. Our family delighted in the PNW beautiful setting, nature activities and the many abundant harvests.

Sandhiya's daughter hols up two bunches of beets in each hand, a smile on her face and pigtails in her hair
Sandhiya's daughter paddles through a lake on a yellow kayak

While I loved the slow time, I yearned to be back at work. I started writing and successfully publishing peer-reviewed articles on art-science, artistic research on dance and poetry. My previous experience had involved setting up new processes, project management and I loved the excitement of scaling a business. I had spent three years working on short-term projects or volunteering strategically after the 4-year break and attended the iRelaunch conference in 2020 meaning to network and understand how my resume was viewed by potential recruiters. Leading up to the conference, iRelaunch offered a continuous set of tools: The Return to Work Roadmap which helped me stay on track and gain forward momentum. One of my biggest takeaways from the toolkit was to reach out and ask for help. I have always struggled to ask for help and the positive reminders to let people in my circle know that I was looking for work really struck a chord with me. The conference was also a fantastic experience with very helpful tips and feedback from recruiters at the virtual booths. The panel discussions addressed and answered several issues openly and I benefited from the whole experience.

I subscribed to the iRelaunch job board and was surprised to see a listing for Market Research and Project Manager. I was successful in my job application for the position and enjoy working and getting to know the amazing women behind iRelaunch everyday!

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