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3, 2, 1 iRelaunch Podcast

Normalizing career breaks®

...for relaunchers everywhere

Featured as a "Top Career Podcast" since its inception in 2017, 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch is our podcast focused on getting you Back on the Career Track and making your return to work smooth and successful. We feature strategies, advice and success stories about returning to work after a career break. Our full episode listing is below. It is regularly updated with new episodes. 

If you're not sure where to dive in, get your feet wet with one of our mini-series: Managing Through a Prolonged Job SearchRelaunching in Senior RolesMilitary Spouse Relaunches and Longest Career Break Relaunches. The entire mini-series library is here.

Do you enjoy our podcast and want to make sure other relaunchers can find our return to work advice? Be sure to rate, follow and leave a review of our podcast using our handy guide so we can reach even more relaunchers!

How to Rate and Review the 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch Podcast

Episode 108: A Seasoned Recruiter’s Perspective on Relaunching: A conversation with Donnie Watson - Part 1

In this special 3, 2, 1, iRelaunch series on the nuts and bolts of the recruiting process, we speak with recruiters from firms with and without back-to-work programs to provide you with the broadest perspective possible. iRelaunch Special Advisor and Guest Podcast Host Cheryl McGee Wallace talks with Donnie…

Episode 102: What Country Are We Moving to Now? Ex-pats and Relaunching - with Katia Vlachos

Carol is joined today by Katia Vlachos, Expat Transition Coach and Author of “A Great Move: Surviving and Thriving in Your Expat Assignment." Being a trailing spouse or partner can be an exciting experience but is also challenging from a personal and professional standpoint. Katia shares advice for those re-patriating…

Episode 101: What Does ‘Supply Chain’ really mean? And if I’m good at logistics, can I relaunch in that field? with Lisa Fenton

Lisa Fenton, Professional Supply Chain Manager at Rapala/VMC (Canada) gives our audience a firsthand look at the Supply Chain field. From procurement and operations to logistics and transportation all the way to trade, consulting and senior management, Lisa discusses opportunities for relaunchers to enter and advance in supply chain careers.

Episode 96: A Millennial's Advice for Relaunchers with Alex Grodnik

Alex Grodnik hosts the “Moving Up” podcast that lives on the popular Wall Street Oasis website, and is the Co-founder of fintech startup Payclub, "a next-generation banking platform for Gen Z." This lively conversation highlights Alex's thoughts on "chasing prestige” and “rejection therapy," which are relevant for Millennials and relaunchers…

Episode 88: How I Have Maintained Career Continuity as a Military Spouse with April Keating

In this episode of 3, 2, 1, iRelaunch Carol talks with our own April Keating, Communications Specialist at iRelaunch and founder of email marketing firm Cre8ve Content Company. As a military spouse, April and her family move frequently. April explains how she has managed her family through multiple moves, and…

Episode 82: -- The Asia Based Platform for Freelancer Insurance Access with Helle Priess

Singapore based Helle Priess, Founder and CEO of Doerscircle, discusses the creation of her fast-growing member based support platform for self-employed people, entrepreneurs, free-lancers and start-upers. Doerscicle provides healthcare and insurance solutions at no cost. This unique model operates primarily in Asia. It has not yet come to the U.S.…

Episode 76: Mind Your P's and Q's: The Art of Business Etiquette with Jacquelyn Flesner

Has the world become more self-centered and inconsiderate? Do we treat people like we would like to be treated? Certified Business Etiquette Trainer and Founder of “The Etiquette Network” and “Professional Moms," Jacquelyn Flesner discusses business etiquette with Carol Fishman Cohen in this episode of “3, 2, 1, iRelaunch.” From…

Episode 70: Negotiating Roles and Responsibilities in a Dual-Relauncher Family with Kathy Preble Bayert

One of the earliest relaunchers to go through a formal career reentry program (Returnship@SaraLee), Kathy Preble Bayert describes her return to work journey after having children. Hear how Kathy believes her career path choices have shaped who she is as leader and as parent, and about her husband's subsequent decision…

Episode 62: An Eldercare Primer for Relaunchers and More - Part II with Janet Simpson Benvenuti

In this second podcast installment, Janet Simpson Benvenuti, relauncher, eldercare expert, founder of Circle of Life Partners, and author of “Don’t Give Up on Me! Supporting Aging Parents Successfully” describes the information and documents that all eldercare providers should assemble, including legal documents and medical documents. She discusses eight strategic…