Watch the Recording of Session Two!
Research shows what the military-connected community already knows: career continuity is a big challenge for many military spouses. As a result, many of them leave rewarding careers and dream jobs to more fully focus on support and caregiving roles. When they are ready to relaunch the career they put on pause, they are faced with a new set of quandaries: how to format the gap(s) on their resume, how to bring their skills up-to-date, how to highlight the unpaid work they've done, how to prepare for interactions with employers, and a host of other questions.
Join the pioneers of the career reentry industry at iRelaunch as we address these topics during a three-part informational summer series for military-connected relaunchers.
Watch the recording! Session One: Bridging the (Resume) Gap
Watch the recording! Session Two: Return to Work Employer Showcase
Wednesday, August 10th, 11am - 12pm ET
Join us for a unique panel event featuring employers with military-friendly return to work programs interested in recruiting those with extended career breaks and resume gaps.
Watch the recording! Session Three: Military-Connected Resources Roundup
Wednesday, August 24th, 11am - 12pm ET
Listen in as representatives from a number of military-connected resource organizations describe how their products and services can help you to relaunch your career.