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Subhra triple Ranger

Relauncher Success Story

April 2023

Subhra Rani Subudhi  relaunched as an Automation Engineer at @talech (a U.S. Bank company). Subhra, a Salesforce enthusiast with an engineering background, took an extended break after the birth of her first child. During the 12 year career break when she was also moving countries,  Subhra continued to be an active learner, completing an initial Salesforce certificate program and then moving on to complete a variety of others. Subhra's wisdom, patience and optimism stands out in her #irelaunched story.

Click here to view the one-page profile we compiled to highlight Subhra's career path!

What kept Subhra motivated? Listen in!

 "I was an introvert. But the iRelaunch conferences or the webinars I attended gave tips on how should be the resume, what are the resources you should go for, whom should you follow? I listened to everything intently. 

And the TED video that Carol had done was very inspiring. She relaunched after so many years. That gave me the confidence- Yes, I can do it. These kind of stories keep you motivated that you can also go back to a career."

What are you most proud of accomplishing during your return to work experience?

  1. I'm proud of the fact that I was able to get back up to speed and felt like I had never left, within a really short period of time. 
  2. I credit that to my strong sense of commitment and discipline. When I commit to something, I go all in. All these years, I was enabling everyone around me. Now it was my turn! This clarity helped me to dive deeper into learning the new technology and continue to challenge myself.
  3. I don't overthink. I have this deep belief within me that when the right time comes, the right thing will happen.
  4. I love seeing the pride in my daughter's and husband's eyes who supported and encouraged me at every step to start this journey again.

How did you decide which field you wanted to relaunch into?

12 plus years is a very long time and the technology goes through updates every day. I wasn't sure which technology should I get into. Since I had a Java background, Python seemed like an easy option as it is so prevalent in today's workforce.

Thanks to my engineering background, understanding Python was not very difficult but the syntax was different. The syntax was a little simpler than Java, but the foundational concepts were more or less same. I quickly realized that software development would need a lot of practice and major revision of all the concepts that I had already learned. And to me my work life balance was critical so I thought of pivoting into Software Testing and QA role.

While researching my options, I thought of this friend who spoke about Salesforce once. Since I was learning Python and Oracle already, I delved deeper into it. I casually opened a Trailhead account and started playing around. The learning tool is made in such a way like you're playing a game. It's not just read and answer the question. It's like gamification. It makes you go deep into the technology. And for a curious person like me, that was enough to propel me further.

I also started to  intentionally network on LinkedIn. I was overwhelmed when my relaunch post on LinkedIn garnered record views!

This success story was documented by Rochna Pant

Did this story motivate you or inspire you!?

Do you have a relauncher success story of your own to share with us and the rest of the relauncher community?

Sharing your inevitable success is a great way to give back as your story will inspire and motivate other relaunchers, especially if your story is not the typical story that is told.

It is our hope that all relaunchers are able to see themselves reflected in relauncher success stories as we all know how important representation is. 

Submit your #iRelaunched success story here!