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PowerToFly's 2022 Diversity Reboot Summit: Early Career Connections & Mid-Career Pivots Summit

September 13, 2022

Whether you're launching your career or revamping it, don't miss this free opportunity to connect with companies looking for interns, entry-level professionals, career pivoters, and individuals returning to work. The Early Career Connections & Mid-Career Pivots Summit is the perfect opportunity to network with your peers, ask professionals about their transition to the working world and new roles, and most importantly, connect directly with companies! Are you wondering…

  • how to showcase your coursework on your resume?
  • how to highlight the experience you've cultivated as a caregiver?
  • how the skills from your current role transfer to a new industry or position?
  • what kind of internships to pursue to land your dream role after graduation?
  • how to land an internship without any experience?
  • what to wear to your (in-person or virtual) interview?
  • how to know if a career change is right for you?
  • how to navigate the ins and outs of returnships
  • how to battle ageism in the workplace

If you said yes to any of the above, this summit is perfect for you. Sign up and connect directly with recruiters, hiring managers, and experts who want to help you find your next role!

Watch the Recording!


11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Pivoting your career after a break: Reflect, Reimagine, and Relaunch

Career breaks can be a time to develop new interests, passions and skills. Reflect on these new insights, reimagine your ideal role, and leverage these experiences into a successful career relaunch. This talk, led by one of iRelaunch's Managing Directors, Elizabeth Gish will share success stories and tips on how to apply your new experiences to your elevator pitch, and ultimately, a new career.

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Elizabeth Gish's headshot with a brick wall in the background
Elizabeth Gish iRelaunch - Managing Director

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