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Ellevate Network Special Event with Carol Fishman Cohen

April 19, 2022

Join Carol Fishman Cohen, hosted by the Philadelphia Chapter of Ellevate Network as she presents on the topic of "The Pandemic's Impact on Relaunching Your Career and Normalizing Career Breaks."

Ellevate Network Philadelphia Chapter April 2022 Event

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The Pandemic’s Impact on Relaunching Your Career and Normalizing Career Breaks

How has the Pandemic impacted professionals who are returning to work after career breaks taken since March 2020 and those whose career breaks began much earlier? In what way have employer career reentry programs changed because of the Pandemic?

Hear from Carol Fishman Cohen, the pioneering iRelaunch CEO who has been instrumental in the quest to normalize career breaks as part of a career path as she discusses these questions from the relauncher and employer perspectives.

Note: this event is open to everyone, including non-members of Ellevate Network and is not limited to those in the Philadelphia region. Registration fees apply.