A collection of some of the best advice for relaunch success in IT, coding, programming, engineering and other technical roles directly from the employers recruiting for these functions.
As we enter our fourth year co-leading the STEM Reentry Task Force with the Society of Women Engineers and nearly 25 global companies to pilot, implement and expand return to work programs for technical relaunchers, we have collected some of the best advice for relaunch success in IT, coding, programming, engineering and other technical roles.
#1: If you don’t know the programming language referenced in
an interview question, reframe the question and answer using the
language you do know:
Recruiters may ask technical questions in an effort to evaluate logical
thinking rather than in-depth knowledge of a particular programming
language. Jennifer Howland, former Managing Director at iRelaunch, who launched and expanded IBM Tech Re-Entry,
IBM’s return to work program, recommends to candidates to feel
comfortable saying “I have not used that language to solve the problem
you are presenting, but I did use language x to solve something similar
and this is how I did it.” She comments, “demonstrating you get the
logic is the important part.”
#2: Free courses through edX, Coursera or other high quality education platforms are considered legitimate credentials by most employers for updating purposes. But you must complete them. From a successful tech relauncher: “I did a lot of courses on edX and the free open source classes that universities conduct. I took courses in Python and Java and also in Agile and scripting.” It’s important to complete the courses and list them on your resume. You do not have to pay to take the version with the certificate. The free versions are fine.
#3: Use GitHub to build, archive and access a portfolio of your work/coding projects.
If you are doing coding projects for your courses or as a volunteer,
make sure to keep the projects you work on in GitHub or similar
portfolio archiving software. If you are doing projects for a paying or
pro bono client, make sure you get permission to share it for your own
recruiting purposes, and remove identifying information before sharing.
GitHub gives you a place to store your work, and access it easily. Also
you can share your work by simply providing a link for employer
#4: Don’t forget about YouTube Video Tutorials
We tell relaunchers that YouTube Video Tutorials are the perfect
resource for refreshing basic skills such as creating pivot tables in
Excel or embedding videos into PowerPoint, but our technical relaunchers
have sworn by them as lifesavers for much more sophisticated coding,
programming and other technical challenges.
#5: When to Hack vs. When to Ask
Once on the job, set limits for yourself in terms of how long you allow
yourself to hack at solving a technical problem. The prospect of
“looking dumb” keeps some relaunchers from asking for help. Return to
work programs with technical mentors for relauncher participants solve
this problem because the technical mentors are there specifically to be
asked the questions everyone is afraid to ask. Here’s IBM Tech Re-Entry
graduate and Data Scientist Jennifer Jones talking about how she decides
when it’s time to ask versus continuing to hack away.
Crowdsourcing Time! We’d like to hear from you - what would you add to this list? Please send your comments to [email protected]
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