Going back to work is exhilarating, empowering and...scary.
is full of many physical and emotional hurdles that need to be overcome
as we consider leaving our homes and getting back into the office. It
fills us with worry. We worry about the kids, missing them and missing
out on school events or their developmental milestones, we worry about
them loving their sitters more, we worry about ourselves. I was filled
with self doubt when I started my search and dream to return to work
after being home with my three children for 10 years, but my ambition
and drive to return to work was greater than my fear of returning to
work. I found tools and resources to help me find my way back, many in
obvious places and some in not so obvious places. For me, I found one of
the most supportive resources in one of these seemingly unlikely
places: at my local Toastmasters club.
My return to work was a journey. When I left, I was a manager of a
software engineering team in San Francisco. Being at home for 10 years
meant my software skills were outdated, so I needed to get creative and
get a new career. At one stage, I tried to start my own business. It was
a website that catered to young families...suggesting local
entertainment and family events appropriate for your families stage and
needs. The plan was to get local services to advertise on my website. It
was hard to balance the workload with toddlers. There were times when I
would sit on the floor surrounded by legos, hot-wheels cars and
children, wishing I was in front of the computer and, when I got in
front of the computer I felt guilty I was not spending time with the
kids. I felt like I wasn't serving the website or the children very
well, so I put that aside.
Then, I took a website design course and I built a website for my
sister-in-law's preschool. There are several free resources available
online from many universities. The effort of building the site and
access to resources helped me refresh my skills and get more confident
in my job application process. The result was I started to get called
for interviews.
I hadn't had a prolonged “technical” conversation with anyone in 10
years, I started to panic. At that time a friend had been telling me how
much she enjoyed Toastmasters. I was curious about how much she enjoyed
it. After all, I had heard that for some people the fear of speaking
in public is greater than the fear of dying!
I agreed to attend a meeting with her, everyone was very nice, welcoming
and supportive. At the break they served tea and cookies and chatted
about what brought them back to this terrifying hobby, week after week.
In fact, they were so hospitable and supportive, I somehow joined that
evening AND signed up to give my first speech in two weeks time. What?!
A few of my mom friends asked me why I would ever want to join Toastmasters
because it seemed like such a scary thing to do, but that was exactly
why I did it...I wanted to scare myself and put myself outside my
comfort zone. I found interviewing intimidating and scary. I wanted to
tackle that and I felt improving my confidence with public speaking
would give me a confidence boost for interviewing.
The Toastmasters club consisted of young professionals looking to
improve their presentation composition and overcome their fear of public
speaking. Some were sales professionals who loved sales and wanted to
work on their story telling skills. Some were retired and wanted
meaningful and intellectual social interactions and stimulation. Some
were high school teachers who had also started a club in the local
school. They came from all walks of life and kept returning every two
weeks. They were also eloquent, captivating and beautiful speakers. They
held the room with their words and presence. They assured us newer
members, they didn't start off like that, they grew into that in this
safe, supportive environment. I was drawn to this network of self
improvers, these lifelong learners.
The night before my first speech I stood in my friend's kitchen
practicing, while she rolled pastry for apple tarts. She made me repeat
my speech enough times that it felt less frightening, almost
comfortable. The familiar smell of her kitchen, with lingering smells
from their earlier dinner and her warm, encouraging face smiling back at
me, is the memory I have of my first speech.
I have since joined another club and have served as President, VP of PR,
Finance, Secretary and many other roles for the Toastmasters club, all
of which have enabled me to grow my leadership skills too. Toastmasters
has so much to offer Relaunchers. They offer so much more than public
speaking. The following is a list of areas where they excel, but this is
not an exhaustive list.
Going back to work is exhilarating and empowering, but it doesn't have to be scary. It is a courageous step. Why not set yourself up for success by leveraging a local Toastmasters club and working to overcome the fear of public speaking, all while enjoying all the other leadership, community and growth benefits that go along with it? Toastmasters should not be perceived as an unlikely place to find support, it is the most obvious choice for support!
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